Thursday, March 09, 2006

Have you noticed the remarkably vigorous nodding of the disinterested listener? To be distinguished from the deadly earnest by the glazed eyes and inappropriate nodding rhythm.


the Monk said...

indeed...good one...

Sheetal said...

Is this a trick question?

Shweta said...

Thanks Monk.
Wat? We are being very smaart eh sister? Why i'll tell? Either way?

the One said...

And the suppressed yawns.

(Yawn-suppression is blogworthy in its own right - the expertise of the suppressor can be measured by the extent to which his chin drops. One has got it down to an art.)

Shweta said...

Oh ho! I get it! you mean the underchin! Where one (not Me) develops the second chin, no?
I kept trying to figure what you meant and i contorted my face it all sorts of not very subtle ways. But now I know, And how right you are. But what of the infinitesimal flaring of the nostrils?
PS Correct One, my mistake. i have been to M-W online and they tell me that the chin includes 'the surface beneath or between the branches of the lower jaw'. I on the other hand did not have a name in my head for that portion of the anatomy and mistakenly assumed that only the dimpled part was the chin. You live and learn.

Anonymous said...

if that was trick question...this is a trick answer

Manish said...

Sure...Have done it many times in those "critical" meetings!