Thursday, April 27, 2006

Worm tales

Why pray do they make these word verification thingies so worm like? It’s bad enough that I have to overcome excruciating levels of shyness, bone deep laziness, maybe-I’ll-do-it-later/never-ness. Is it necessary to have me do the squint/cock head and see/ bend-head and type/repeat jig as well. Ok maybe those things are useful. But why do they have to be squiggly? The blasted letters threaten to fly off the screen like Percy Jackson would say. It’s enough to give me a headache.
And what is worse is sometimes I have to do it twice. See, some time back I just logged on as anonymous and maybe signed the post, which I thought was a clever way of avoiding unnecessary typage. The sibling managed in a few pithy words to dissuade me and dispel illusions of cleverness. So I have now perforce to sign in. Not one to shirk discomfiting tasks for later I go the whole hog and complete the WV thing. Picture my dismay when I am now successfully logged on under my rightful appellation and I am asked to redo the cursed WV. Really it’s enough to turn one off the whole thing.

PS I have been thinking about it. Do you think it is to foil evil plans by cunning spammers with scanners, and such?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so what is with the worms? tell tell, if you are so clever

Gayathri said...

I hear you. I was trying leave a comment on your sib's birding post and I had to do the WV thing not once, not twice, but thrice!

the One said...

Do you think it is to foil evil plans by cunning spammers with scanners, and such?

Whatever made you think that, Shweta Vyas? The very idea!

Shweta said...

I see now that the world is full of meanie-beanies, quite apart from spammers with scanners, except of course you Gaga!
PS He he I just learned how to Italize in comments. Apparently lots of people know these things. The Sib is not without hers uses, enfin.

the One said...

The term is italicize, one believes.

It's fun being a meanie-beanie ;)

Shweta said...

Ha! You may continue to believe that Precise One, But Soz-e-jigar ka kya karun? We artistic, non-technical souls need a bit of space to manoeuvre. I always do these things in the search for righter sounds and more pleasing meters. It is quite liberating. In fact I could not recommend it too strongly to you, Famed One. I believe you have a few ambitions in that direction yourself?

P.S all the above is of course perfect rot! But it was only around midnight that I realised with lucid dismay that I had left abroad a pathetic sitting duck for prime picking by the Quick Gun MuruOne. With nothing to be done at that late hour, had to concoct that “bidru meese mannaaglilla” excuse. And sure enough I have occasion to use it this morning.
“O Kalia I can read your mind”- so go ahead, dip it in the water and sharpen it again and again!